The "Absolute Adrenaline" Brand is the result of an ever evolving full contact martial arts market place. The hugely successful "Championship Kickboxing" series that has been running for many years producing a whole portfolio of spectacular events and fighters has now been superceeded by "Absolute Adrenaline".
The professional running of the events has attracted interest from various majors including "Cage Rage" which has resulted in the inclusion of MMA and Full Thai rules within the brand and a collaboration with "Cage Rage" to produce regional "Contenders" events.
Superstars have been found and developed from first fight novices to world champion status, with challengers from all over the world visiting these shores to do battle with Britain’s best.
We have seen the cream of Kick & Thai Boxing from Australia, U.S.A, Norway, Germany, Croatia, Hungary, Belgium, France, Czech Republic, Belarus, Ukraine, Bosnia, Brazil & many more countries stepping into the square ring and caged octagon.
To cater for the wealth of undiscovered talent that is currently flooding the scene a sub-brand "Absolute Adrenaline - New Blood" has also been developed. This will allow the new kids on the block to showcase their talents in preparation for the main events.
News, reviews, profiles, reports, statistics, in fact anything and everything to do with "Absolute Adrenaline" can be found on this site with regular updates.
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