NOTE, your new class, the 'Advanced Beginner's,' will restart next Monday commencing at 7.30pm the 18th FEB 2013.

The high kickers all finished the last session with a hard pads class with the aid from some ProKick senior Gym members. Not easy, or was it!?

The same course fee of £25 for 6 weeks of advanced beginner kickboxing applies. A massive thank you to all who finished the class and we look forward to seeing you again next week in the NEW class time.

Anyone who missed the class on Tuesday 12th FEB please re-start at 7.30pm on Monday 18th FEB.

If in doubt, call the number below. Or sign-up for another 6 weeks of beginners and do it all over again and at the same time of 7.45pm on Tuesday 19th FEB.

"Kickboxing isn’t just about getting into a ring – it’s a great way to get in shape and stay in shape,” said Billy Murray.

For more information about beginners classes starting in your area, telephone ProKick HQ on (028) 9065 1074 or email your details to