Most of our members know our website (the one you are currently reading this on) very well but as demand for the sport grows, especially from within ProKick, we must move ahead with the times and ask all of our current members to get involved and "like" our facebook page.

Facebook isn't the only social networking tool we use here at the gym, we are also on twitter and are in the process of creating a new ProKick blog that very soon, each member will be given their own individual access code to. This is a great way to let friends, family and the kickboxing community know how you are progressing within the sport and can be used for everything from training diaries if you're preparing for a fight or if you've just joined the gym and want to share your experience.

So please, navigate your way to our ProKick Facebook page and share the link on your site. If anyone is not sure how to do this, drop us a line and ProKick's own technical team (Mr Murray) will be more than happy to show you how.

If you don't receive our marketing campaigns or e-mail updates, please let us know so we can add you to our list.

ProKick on Facebook