Twenty-six ProKick members embark on a trip that others only dream of -
a kickboxing bout of their own....
Read all about them, their daily Blog officially kick-off on 10th Feb 2014 and Ended for some on April 13th.
Easter Fight Special Eggs-Travaganza
Caris McKnight 04/5/14 -
Im diapoppinted but I won't stop. Well done everyone.
Well the show is over and I think the new breed fighters did really well - Everyone put a lot of effort into the training we did and should be proud of what they achieved. Unfortunately my fighter pulled out at the last minute, and I really can't explain how disappointing this was. Although I wasn't going to be fighting, I still got to go to the weigh-ins and get the experience of stepping into the ring with Ruth to do a demo. It was good to get the experience as its completely different to anything that I've done before. I had done a lot of training for this fight, but it defiantly hasn't gone to waste as I am a lot fitter than before and have learnt so much over the past months. The only thing I can do, is to keep training hard and prepare for the next opportunity to fight. Thanks to Mr Murray for all the training and for the motivation to keep going!
Gareth Anderson 02/05/14 - Gareth says: well done everyone win loss or draw we all had a great experience.
Started Now - Easter Fighters Blog-it
When I came back at the start of this year after being away for six months, I must say I found it very difficult not only fitness wise but mentally as well and at times I doubted myself. There were a lot of new faces at the gym and a lot of hungry beginners which made sparring quite competitive and challenging at times!
However as the weeks progressed I noticed a lot of improvement in myself and also from the other, timing, strength and technique all started to gel together. Some of the training sessions were amongst the hardest I have ever done since joining Prokick in 2012 and it certainly showed at the Eggstravaganza show as in most cases we had far superior fitness levels than our opponents!
There are many gyms that will train you for a fight but there are none that will train you better physically and mentally than Mr. Murray does and thats a fact!!
Win lose or draw, a big well done to everyone and I hope to see everyone continuing there training and development, as there is a real buzz around the gym at the minute and there are future champions to be made. So everyone lets keep up the good work!!
Martin McNally 01/05/14 -
the time for reflecting is over, it's back to training for the next one
So its been two weeks since the New Breed event in the Holiday Inn and I ave taken some time to reflect on my achievements from I bean training in January and I have to say that I surprised myself and possibly a few other people as well. This has been a personal journey and I ave loved every minute of it and the next step now is getting back to training and preparing for my next opponent. Good luck to Darren and Alex in Germany this weekend.
Jamie McCusker 01/05/14 -i'm dissappointed that the fight could not go ahead, but i'm getting ready for the next one.
Two weeks since fight day and still i have to say i'm dissappointed that the fight could not go ahead, i'm dissapponted not at Mr Murray because i know he could not go ahead with it as it would be too high a risk, i am dissaponted with myself because i could not gain enough weight to bring myself to 65 and instead remained at 62, although he was over the weight aswell by 2kg so it was both of our faults that the fight couldn't happen. We got a demo instead and i dont mean to sound cocky here, but he was busted by the end of that one round and if there had of been three rounds i quite fancied my chances of beating him, those 3 months of incredibly tough, yet incredibly satisfying training paid off, never been fitter in my life! Now, time to get straight back into it and get ready for the next fight!!
James Boyd 01/05/14 - opens up and shoots from the heart
about his own experience
I have found it hard to describe the overall feeling of the New Breed event. There where highs and lows, without a doubt. Training was tough yet it was the most enjoyable training I have ever took part in. Fellow team mates and of course, Mr Murray himself, made sure of that. At the end of the training I felt ready and confident.
Come fight day, I felt very little nerves, soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying the spectacle. It was time to put everything into practice.
Regrettably, the fight did not go my way, and was over all too soon. There probably hasn't been a day since that I haven't run the fight through my head and asked questions of myself.. is this for me? Should I be doing this? Am I too old? Too unfit? It made me question everything I was sure off during the training.
I made fundamental mistakes and got beat. Now it's time to fix those mistakes, train harder, pick myself up and prove to myself that the doubts that crept into my head after the event are wrong.
The great Vince Lombardi once said "If you can't accept losing, you can't win." Time to pick myself up and get back at it.
Everyone at the event did a phenomenal job, win, lose or draw and we should all be proud. Hopefully every one of my New Breed team mates will be back at training on Thursday as it's been an absolute pleasure training with you and may it continue!
Jake McCready- 01/05/14 -
The teens thoughts about the experience, and wanting more too.
train hard fight easy. that is what needs to be done to win and after all those hard weeks of training it finally paid of and i won my fight. even though everyone didn't win it takes you to have a lot of guts to get between the ropes and it takes u to be a bit mad as well. i think we have all had a great experience in this and we are all fitter than we have been in our lives. I had a lot of fun on fight day and i am looking forward to getting into the ropes again when the time is right.
Paul Dobson on the 01/05/14 -
Lets us know his thoughts about the whole experience
The whole experience of the New Breed event was amazing. The massive commitment of the training, the highs and lows.
It was one of the most challenging and rewarding things I have ever done and at the end of it I have never felt fitter. Mr Murray said "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail" those words made going through all the pain of training easier. I knew when it came to fight day I had done everything Mr Murray asked of me. If I focused on what I had been taught, it would all fall in to place. I thought on the day I would be nervous but I wasn't at all, a combination of the preparation put in and the huge support and ecouragement from the whole Prokick team put me at total ease. All I had to do was enjoy the experience of the day and what a day it was. The organisation, the way everyone is looked after, the planning down to the final detail, it was just outstanding. All I had to do was soak up the buzz and excitment. I really can't put in to words the feeling standing outside the door waiting on your name being called then walking in to the ring, talk about an adrenaline rush. It was awesome and something I will never forget... Thank you Mr Murray for making it happen and for all your coaching both in and out of the gym and thank you to the whole Prokick team and New Breed fighters for their massive encouragement and motivation.
Commitment, Courage and Character are the best words to describe the New Breed Team.
Rowena Bolt 28/04/14 - Her thoughts about the whole experience
This was an amazing experience from start to finish! The training was really tough but definitely paid off in the ring. After getting my rib injured 5 weeks before my fight i was worried I wouldn't make it into the ring, took 10 days off and started back into my training, some nights even jus a couple of weeks before my fight I was in so much pain after training I could have cried but I pushed through it and eventually it started to feel better and it was so worth it. On the day I didn't feel nervous but watching it back I certainly looked it, but I had great support from the Prokick team, especially Darren in the few hours leading up to the fight which definitely helped calm the nerves. I really enjoyed the fight itself but cringe watchin it back, i certainly learn a lot from watchin it, it's impossible to explain how exhausting a couple of rounds in the ring for real actually is. I'm obviously really happy with the result and can't wait to do it all again. Well done team Prokick and thanks Mr Murray for makin it happen
Martin McNally 09/04/14 -
So that the final training session over and done. Its a bit strange and surreal to think that The New Breed started training almost three months ago and now all that left to do is rest until Sunday.
Everyone who is fighting hard worked harder, longer and faster than they ever have before and that will show this Sunday 13th of April at the holiday inn. Good luck to all the fighters.
Jake McCready 09/04/14 -
all the training is finally over the last class was tonight and it was a easy enough lesson for the first time in a long time. January seems like years ago.
But i hope it the hard work pays of on Sunday good luck to everyone and i think we can all win if we stay calm and do as we are told
Ruth McCormack 08/04/14
One last push for training tonight and my arms already feel like they are going to fall off after two nights of fast pads!
James Boyd 08/04/14
Another run last night followed by a fast pads session in ProKick H.Q. I have to admit, I hated every second of the run, however, I finished it. Hard, fast pad-work in the gym then done for the night.
Everyone is buzzing and excited for Sunday. Can't wait.
Rowena Bolt 08/04/14 -
Tuesday evening began with a 4 mile run then straight into the gym for a really tough 4 round pad session and during the minute between rounds we did burpees and double knees to chest. Team Prokick have worked so hard, I'm sure it will pay off on fight night
Caris McKnight 07/4/14 -
The last week of training before the fights on the 13th - defiantly a tough week, with lots of sprints and padwork. Alongside that next week is my last week of uni so when I'm not training I've been busy studying and writing essays - defiantly would choose the training over that! Looking forward to the next couple of days training and then my fight at the weekend.
Also congrats to Brooke & Johnny on baby Leo!
Jake McCready 07/04/14 -
I had a great class last night it was hard but i had lots of fun only two more classes to go then three days of be fore the fights i really can't wait now go team prokick
Paul Dobson 07/04/14 -
There was us thinking we were on the wind down ... No chance, for the Prokick fighters at last nights class. It was one of the toughest classes yet with none stop hard pads, 2's,4's,6's and even press-ups just when you thought you couldn't lift your hands above your waist. There might not have been Blood but there was plenty of Sweat and Tears (cries of pain) lol
Rowena Bolt 07/04/14 -
My Saturday blog must have gone missing, lets jus say it was one tough session at the gym which left me absolutely exhausted by pleased with my sprint times.
Monday evening at the gym started with a syllabus class with plenty of pad work. Then 9 laps of the gym which i have to admit i actually enjoyed, then back inside for another tough pad session. Hoping all the hard work and injury isnt for nothing!
Cameron Dickson 07/02/14 -
I felt good today on the pads , didnt like the laps so much lol dont really think anyone does , not long to fight day now!
Ruth McCormack 05/03/14
Saturdays class was tough starting with 5 sprints, my times were not as good today, legs felt like jelly from the start, but at least times were consistent.
Then into the gym for drills and light sparring, can really see how fit everyone has become now!
Martin McNally 05/03/14 -
That was an exceptionally touch class. We started off with sprints then an absolutely gruelling training session involving 2,4,6's leg kicks and light sparring. Its exactly a week and a day to the New Breed Fightet event in the Hollyday Inn. Guys if you dont have a ticket yet I suggest you buy one as soon as possible, this is a big fight card and I promise you wont be disappointed.
Rowena Bolt 03/04/14 -
Thursday night syllabus class working on slipping and evasive techniques, roundhouse kicks and front kicks. Then after an inspirational speech by Mr. Murray we did a little light sparring round robin style on the floor.
Jake McCready 02/04/14 -
none stop class tonight with light sparring different exorcises and pads. i had great fun tonight. if anyone happens to find my prokick track bottoms please return them thanks. and congrats to Johnny and Brook on the new baby
Rowena Bolt 02/04/14 -
Wednesdays class was another tough one, began with hard, fast rounds of shadow boxing, then in the ring for some light boxing working on slipping and countering, then onto the floor for pad work moving on to some tough cardio, drills and more pads. My whole body aches!
Stephen Houston 02/04/14 -
Great, quick explosive class tonight, no sprints just straight into shadow boxing and then a good mix of pad work, circuits and some good evasive and quick boxing in for ring. Gutted can't make class tomorrow but feeling good so far, ready for fight time!
Paul Dobson 01/04/14 -
8 laps at 3 mins a lap, shadow boxing for 30 sec's between each lap. I think it was about 4 miles in total. I am not a runner and was not looking forward to it at all, but I really enjoyed the team sticking togeather and the encouragement for Mr Johnny Smith was great. Then in to the gym for some really hard pad work. I can't believe we are almost at the end of this journey and the fitness level achieved. Back down tonight for more sprints.
Stephen Houston 01/04/14 -
Another tough class on Tuesday, 8 decenet paced laps of the gym with shadow boxing in between, then into the gym for some focus pad work, followed with some technique and sprints. Feeling a bit sore today, but i know how much this will pay off come fight time. Sprints and sparring tonight, bring it on!!
Rowena Bolt 01/04/14 -
WOW!! What an evening at Prokick, that was a toughy. 8 laps round the gym all within 3 minutes with 1 minute rest in between, legs were burning even before we started after last nights run! Then inside for some hard and fast pad work, plenty of practice on the jab so I have 2 dead legs and a dead arm lol then some work on fast drills with star jumps , sprinting on the spot and pressups with claps, I'm thinking maybe I should have left the pressups out, feeling pain. All in all one pretty good session tonight
Jake McCready 01/04/14 -
good class tonight 8 laps around the block and then a hard class on the pads. i'm having a lot of fun this week witch is fun and i'm looking forward to training tomorrow
Darren Pope 01/04/14 -
Tuesday morning 5am time to scrape myself outa bed, literally rolled out this morning, but got up and pushed out a bit of roadwork, still feeling the effects of last nights work and the clocks going forward but got there in the end. Glad i made myself get up no time for rest at this stage in the camp!!
Darren Pope 31/03/14 -
Monday night started with a wee 5 mile run with the new fight squad, was set at a decent pace and everyone made it till the end, then it was inside for some fast hand training by way of 2s 4s and 6'es, was tough taxing session with some core work thrown in for good measure feeling burnt!!
Rowena Bolt 31/03/14 -
Monday class was a little different today. Began with a 5.5 mile run, which im surprised to say i really enjoyed. I happy with my level of fitness at the moment although it could always be improved upon. After our run we did a fast pad session of 2s, 4s 6s with some star jumps, sprinting and shadow boxing.
Stephen Houston 31/03/14 -
Excellent class on Monday night, was a nice change doing a long, good paced run over 5.5 miles. Then into the gym for fast paced punching workouts, great to see everyones fitness at this level, its inspiring and motivating to see the whole team this way! Cant wait to fight day!
Cameron Dickson 31/02/14 -
Was a brilliant night tonight the fitness level from now to when I started is insane never thought id be able to run nearly 6 mile , hard part wad them 2s 4s 6s I think everyone was dead after that
Jake McCready 31/03/14 -
class was brilliant to night we ran 5.5 miles and then did a full class afterwards. I feel really great after it. even if we all lose our fights which i don't think will happen know one can say that we weren't fit enough for it
Cameron Dickson 28/02/14 -
Saturdays training was going great untill I steped into the ring and got my brace broke and sliced my mouth wasnt fun
Ruth McCormack 28/03/14
Great Saturday class today, some ring time with Cathy and Ursula, love sparring with them, they are sooooo good!! Was really warm in the gym today too, think I lost a stone in sweat at least! Nerves kicking in now, just hope I get a match!
Stephen Houston 28/03/14
Good sparring today at the gym, been burning the candle at both ends this week, so felt a bit tired coming in today, not my best performance in the ring today, but i know it just was one of those days, going to rest up the weekend and come back stronger next week, well done to everyone today, I can't see anyone beating the Prokick team at this next event!!
Rowena Bolt 28/03/14 -
Down at the gym for Friday night syllabus class. Working on evasive techniques and shadow boxing
Rowena Bolt 27/03/14 -
At prokick for Thursday night syllabus class. Was a big class, not much room for manoeuvres.
Had a great wee pad session with Jamie, I held the pads first and he certainly made sure he got me back lol Finished the class with some core strength exercises.
Paul Dobson 26/03/14 -
Sprints last night went well, started thinking about the fight half way round and got an extra burst of energy.
Took 8 sec's a lap off my best on the first two and matched it on the second two.
Sparring in the ring felt good, paced myself and tried to make every punch and kick count. (Had to, was busted after the sprints lol)
James Boyd 26/03/14
It's the morning after the night before of what seemed like endless sprints and sparring. Enjoyed the sparring...
the sprints.. not so much.. however I did post my best time on the first sprint, unfortunately the following three or four sprint times greatly suffered.
The countdown is on to fight day!
Ruth McCormack 26/03/14
Was really pleased with my sprints on Wednesday night, best time ever on the first one and only 7seconds between fastest and slowest!
Felt my sparring wasn't as good as on Saturday really need to pick it up in next couple of weeks!!
Caris McKnight 26/3/14 -
Sprints last night then sparring. Got some ring time but really wasn't doing much and was pretty tired -
but saying that, I'm not really feeling the best and just starting to get over having the cold.
Trying to get all the sleep and recovery in now before Bootcamp next week!
Darren Pope 26/03/14 -
26/03/14 day started with a run at 5am with some roadwork and with just over two weeks till showtime tonight was all about the sprints, was a little late down but still got them in, was hard going. Then was straight in for sparring got a few rounds in the ring, wasnt feeling at my best tonight maybe a little fatigue creaping in but being so close to fightime now's not the time to be resting and talking it easy!!
Long hard day another one bites the dust!!
Cameron Dickson 26/02/14 -
Tonights sprints were some good times for me I think , got a bust nose in the ring tonight while trying to fix the head gaurd oh man how I hate them , still havnt been matched!:( hopefully am soon
Stephen Houston 26/03/14
-Tough class tonight, didn't warm up as well as I should and suffered a bit on the sprints. Once I got settled my sparring was alright, need to work on my ring craft, I'm over thinking too much when I'm put under pressure. Hopefully Saturday I'll get some rounds in the ring!
Jake McCready 26/03/14 -
good class tonight we all pushed it to our limits, and those who didn't got punished for it with an extra lap. the fights are getting really close now. I hope i can hack another week of boot camp.
Martin McNally 26/03/14 -
Just over two weeks to go and I now know who I'm fighting. Tonights class started with 4 timed sprints then hard sparring and 1 more timed sprint to finish off with. My arms and legs are tired, enough said lol.sau
Rowena Bolt 25/03/14 -
Down at Prokick for Tuesday syllabus class, working on evasive skills, and rounds of shadow boxing. I
Certainly need to put these skills into practice more while in the ring, easier said than done lol
Jamie McCusker 25/02/14 -
syllabus class geared towards boxing counters and mainly head movement. The fight card is finally up but i havent been matched yet:( hopefully i am soon!
Rowena Bolt 24/03/14 -
At prokick monday evening for 2 syllabus classes, wasnt really feeling my best, got on with it and worked through the pain.
Paul Dobson 22/03/14 -
Saturday sparring felt like my best yet, thought my timing was better, I was moving well. I also felt I was pacing myself and not using as much nervous energy. I was landing more and getting caught less, taking my time and thinking more. It was a nice end to a great week of training.
Caris McKnight 22/3/14 -
Got to work more on the slip/counter drills in Friday nights class, and this has defiantly improved my sparring. Got some rounds done today and was able to practice my head movement and counters - I did bite my tongue though, that was pretty sore!
Darren Pope 22/03/14 -
Saturday sparring class was good today, took me a fair while to settle into it, but started to come together as the class went on, still alot of improving to come, but can feel myself making baby steps in the right direction as the weeks go on!
Got home from class had my lunch and then done a bit of strength and conditioning work. Focusing on the upper body ( bi's/tri's and lats) as we where sparring low kick in the gym. Finished off with a few core exercises to keep the ned kelly at bay!!
Happy weekend people!! Enjoy, I know I will #restingup
James Boyd 21/03/14
Another good Saturday sparring session done and dusted. Felt good after the training and feel I am improving on combos. Overall, it's been a great weeks training.
Three weeks to go!
Jake McCready 21/03/14 -
sparring was good today. i think we are all really fit after boot camp. the fights are three weeks away i wonder will people start getting nervous.
Rowena Bolt 21/03/14 -
At the gym for a syllabus class, more work on evasive techniques practice makes perfect.
Stephen Donaghu 21/03/14 -
bootcamp was tough this week but definitely feel better for it lost another few kilos haven't been this weight since I was about 18 lookin forward 2 sparrin 2day although its frustratin bein restricted cause of my broken nose hopefully will be ok come fight day
Paul Dobson 21/03/14 -
Nothing like sparring in the ring at 6.05am 'lol' Day 5 of boot camp was all about sparring from word go, both in the ring and on the floor. Both the syllabus classes and the boot camp have been good for me this week, with focus on combinations, evasive skills and sprints and less on hard punching and pad work. It really gave my joints time to heal and made me think much more during the sparring.
Cameron Dickson 21/02/14 -
Yes. Its over. Bootcamp day so happy to just be able to think about not getting up to the cold gym at 5 am and glad ee didnt have to run this morning also! Lol
Martin McNally 21/03/14 -
Day five of boot camp is over at last lol. Its 3 weeks until the new breed step into the ring for the first time, this is gauranteed to be a fantastic event. If you dont have a ticket yet I suggest you get one soon.
Ruth McCormack 20/03/14
Thursdays training was great, starting with boot camp at 6am, more sprints! Then a tough strength and conditioning in the evening followed by sparring, was great to see Rowena back in sparring class.
This morning was the last day of bootcamp with a lot more sparring, so only tonights syllabus class to go then sleep zzz. Must remember to set my alarm so I don't sleep in for Saturdays 12.30 class....
Caris McKnight 20/3/14 -
Circuits class was hard, but nice to mix things up a bit with different exercises at some stations. In the syllabus classes we have been working on padwork with different counters and evasion skills, and more importantly - no talking! Defiantly makes you sharper and challenges you to think more. Last day of bootcamp was good today, plenty of light sparring, shadowboxing and no sprints! It's been a tough week but worth it - class tonight and sparring tomorrow before we get a day off.
Darren Pope 20/03/14 -
20/03/14 day started at 04:55 up and out the door for a race against the wind, was hard going but whens it ever easy!!
Then it was time for my syllusbus class was a good session working on combanations, countering and evasive techniques.
After that was sparring time!! Good class this evening working with the ice man in the ring for good part of the class, then done a bit of work on the floor mixing with the rest of the class, finishing off with a few rounds in the ring with Darren, Johnny, and Gareth, all in all was a tiring day but very beneficial.
Rowena Bolt 20/03/14 -
It was sooooo good to get back to the gym properly for the thursday night syllabus class where we worked on evasive techniques. This was followed by sparring, I've missed it! I was relatively pleased with how I did on the floor considering. Sometimes I actually think I am a machine!! ha ha
Martin McNally 20/03/14 -
Tonights sparring class was educational. Theirs more to the sport of Kickboxing than just fighting. Tomorrow is the last day of boot camp and I'm looking forward to it "NOW" (tomorrow will probably be a different story lol)
Ruth McCormack 19/03/14
Bootcamp is going well so far, though im sure its tougher this time round! We have done a sprint each day so far and happy that i have beaten my previous time each day, couple of seconds but still! Did a 4mile run after work today too, must remember not to run in Piney Hills again (lol clues in the name). Also i think we should all do moving "sprint" drills just for Caris tomorrow
Jamie McCusker 19/02/14 -
19/03/14 - Day three of boot camp completed, beat yesterday's sprint time by 1 second yaa! Bring on day 4!
Jake McCready 19/03/14 -
boot camp was good today i was real tired afterwards. But that didn't stop me from going out for a run after school i hope i can keep training hard and wake up in time for boot camp tomorrow only 2 more days to go
Cameron Dickson 19/02/14 -
Day 3 of bootcamp the hard shadow boxing deffo wakes us all up , by the end of it I was wreacked cant wait for the weekend to lie in
Caris McKnight 19/3/14 -
(This must not have posted last week) Got to work on some low kick sparring today which is always good. Had my feet taped up and well padded as they are both pretty bruised (along with my hip and knees), but was still sore and this was spotted when I got some ring time. Gonna rest up until Monday and focus on boxing until the bruises are gone.
Training has been going well this week. Lots of focus on padwork and a bit of everything at bootcamp including the odd sprint. Ive been staying off kicks recently and my feet have healed up, so hopefully get back to it tomorrow night when we do a bit of sparring. To get some more training in I swapped the bus for the bike today and cycled a combined 7 miles, so I think I'll be doing that more often - more fun than running! The best part of Bootcamp today was the new moving 'sprint' drill Ruth invented - defiantly got a laugh from that lol
Rowena Bolt 18/03/14 -
It was good to get back to the gym for syllabus class after nearly 2 weeks off.
Martin McNally 18/03/14 -
Day 3 of Boot Camp is over. Hard shadow boxing, circuits and sprints. Every training session pushes me harder and faster and I leave feeling better than I did when I started.
Kelley Rasdale 18/03/14 -
Good work guys....i'll be in to see you all tonight, hopefully i'll manage the class if not i'll be watching on. Can't wait to get back training
Cameron Dickson 18/02/14 -
It was a cold morning today...getting up wasnt fun then getting a punishment for talking....ended up doing 5 laps of the gym before I headed to school
Jake McCready 18/03/14 -
boot camp was great this morning it was very hard to. i also had fun to night in the adult class with lots of head movement and evasive Technic. people will probably think i am crazy but i'm looking forward to boot camp tomorrow
Jamie McCusker 18/02/14 -
18/03/14 - boot camp this morning was tough then it was off to syllabus later that night. Should now learn to keep quiet in the mornings as i got sent out to do three laps of the gym and the. It was straight into a sprint which i still managed to do quite well in, 2:19. Up again tomorrow morning for day three of boot camp! The fitness has definitely improved over the last month or so, starting to feel even more ready for my fight!
Cameron Dickson 17/02/14 -
Boot camp this morning woke me up alot before school , by the end of the day I was pretty tired , wonder how ill be on friday lol
Jake McCready 17/03/14 -
boot camp started back this morning. I haven't been that tired but i think i will start felling the effect tomorrow. training hard is what it takes to be a fighter so i hope i can do that win my fight
Martin McNally 17/03/14 -
Day one of the second boot camp was really good. We started off stretching then straight into hard shadow boxing before going for a light jog around the gym lol, then onto circuit training. Well done to some of the juniors who are off to school after training this morning.
Darren Pope 17/03/14 -
17/03/14 day started at 5am, out in the elements for some much needed roadwork, wee 3 miler before work to start my day off. Then after work was time to head to the Prokick headquarters for some syllubus work, was good class with lots of pad work trying to improve my techniques aswell as my fitness. After class i ran for a further 2 miles from the gym home all in all a tiring day!!!!
16/03/14 sunday started off with a 4 mile run followed by 6x3 min rounds on the bag with 30 seconds rest. Hard session, wanted to stop after two but seen it through till the end.
Ruth McCormack 16/03/14
Enjoyed Saturdays sparring, had to stick to body boxing which was frustrating and didnt work well in the ring a good workout all the same! Looking forward to another bootcamp this week!
So got a new phone this weekend, has a snazzy gps running app on it, thought I would try it out earlier so out for 5miles. I bombed it down the road, like totally knocked it out of the park, certain it was the best 5miler I have done so far, then got back only to find that the snazzy app had turned itself off and I have no idea what my time was aarrggg!!
James Boyd 15/03/14
Learning quickly that proper nutrition to fuel your training session is important!! Unfortunately had nothing to eat before Saturday's sparring glass and was extremely tired, extremely quickly.
Will hit the gym on today for a weight training session and rest the remainder of the night in anticipation of the week long boot camp ahead!-
Martin McNally 15/03/14 -
So it's just under a month to go to my fight and I am looking forward to it. Today's sparring session was exhausting, I feel tired and great at the same time. Roll on Boot Camp next week.
Cameron Dickson 12/02/14 -
Really good night tonight got some ring time done a lot better than last time in the ring last time felt like a life time , tonight tho went really quick and flew by roll on saturday!
Darren Pope 13/03/14 -
So day started at 04:55 got up for the daily roadwork before my paid work lol. Was hard getting up but felt good having done so!!
Then it was home changed and down to Prokick for my syllubus class, was a great class this evening, long taxing rounds on the pads, was definitly feeling the burn!!
Then it was sparring time!! Great class with some ringtime. Let myself down a little not listening to Mr Murray's call to stop, got a little caught up in the action, but must be more disciplined working with my fellow team mates. Great class guy's thanks for the sparring time Mr Murray!!
Kelley Rasdale 12/03/14 -
So sprints and fighters class last night....think im getting worse instead of better, have a dead leg, sore shoulder and got winded like twice lol gotta pick up the pace, still have 3 kilo to loose in 4 weeks...everyonce is definitly improving!
James Boyd 12/03/14 -
Regrettably I didn't get a chance to check my e-mails until 6.30pm and didn't realise there was a class last (wednesday) night.
Tried to make for it by getting to my local gym this morning for some quick circuits with short sprints and weights. I apologise to my trainer partners for not being there however roll on tonight for sylabus and sparring.
Jamie McCusker 12/02/14 -
12/03/14 - very very tough class tonight, started with 5 sprints around the gym which i was very proud of my sprint times. Followed by a long night of sparring which i was also proud of. Feeling the benefits of these training sessions for definite and i am definitely noticing my fitness improving!
Caris McKnight 12/3/14 -
Was really pleased with my sprints tonight - got my fastest time on my 1st lap and all my runs were under 3 minutes. Sparring went pretty well, trying to focus more on footwork and 'controlling' the ring (if you could call it that). I did get caught on the ropes a few times but tried to hit back and get out. Good night overall.
Jake McCready 12/03/14 -
good class tonight. it started off with 5 laps around the block with i minuet break between each lap. then when we could barely walk we went inside for some sparring. I am enjoying my training at the minuet and am looking forward to the fight!
Johnny Ogilvie 12/3/14 -
12/3/14. Sparing tonight! done my rounds in the ring fell myself getting fitter every week now can't wait till fight day.
Caris McKnight 12/3/14 -
More good classes this week and not feeling as tired as I have been recently. Green belt class involved a lot of padwork - tough going but felt good. Bit of a run done and dusted this morning, and heading back to the gym later for sprints and sparring.
Darren Pope 12/03/14 -
12/03/14 so after a few days off training due to a seasonal bug i managed to get back on the training wagon by hitting the roads for a early morning run. Took it at a good pace, was tough having been immobile for a few days, but happy to get back training again!!
I remember after a few sparring sessions I thought to myself this is maddness me wanting to be a fighter but now when I think back to that moment I realise how much I love getting into the gym , its not even the fighting I like , the people ive met in the club are the coolest bunch of guys around and really have made the last few month of my life amazing april 13th was just a brilliant day win lose or draw everyone done so well and should be proud thank you mr.murray for making it possible
By Cambo DicksonCambo Dickson on 03 May 2014
The new breed overall experience has had a massive impact on me, I have never been this physically fit or indeed this mentally and emotionally balanced in my life before! I’m amazed at the level of loyalty and respect I have come to feel for Mr Murray and my fellow teammates. It was tough and I’m glad I stuck with it because I really don’t feel like the same person I was when I started the training!
I was terrribly dissappointed when I found out that I wasn’t going to fight the day before the event but really glad that I got to participate, from building the ring to dismantling it at the end of the night and of course doing the demo round with Caris.
This has made me realise that I want to fight more than ever, I have thrown myself back into the training and am looking forward to the next event.
Thanks Mr Murray and team prokick!!
By Ruth McCormackRuth McCormack on 02 May 2014
Two weeks since fight day and still i have to say i’m dissappointed that the fight could not go ahead, i’m dissapponted not at Mr Murray because i know he could not go ahead with it as it would be too high a risk, i am dissaponted with myself because i could not gain enough weight to bring myself to 65 and instead remained at 62, although he was over the weight aswell by 2kg so it was both of our faults that the fight couldn’t happen. We got a demo instead and i dont mean to sound cocky here, but he was busted by the end of that one round and if there had of been three rounds i quite fancied my chances of beating him, those 3 months of incredibly tough, yet incredibly satisfying training paid off, never been fitter in my life! Now, time to get straight back into it and get ready for the next fight!!
By Jamie Jamie on 01 May 2014
When I came back at the start of this year after being away for six months, I must say I found it very difficult not only fitness wise but mentally as well and at times I doubted myself. There were a lot of new faces at the gym and a lot of hungry beginners which made sparring quite competitive and challenging at times!
However as the weeks progressed I noticed a lot of improvement in myself and also from the other fighters….fitness, timing, strength and technique all started to gel together. Some of the training sessions were amongst the hardest I have ever done since joining Prokick in 2012 and it certainly showed at the Eggstravaganza show as in most cases we had far superior fitness levels than our opponents!
There are many gyms that will train you for a fight but there are none that will train you better physically and mentally than Mr. Murray does and thats a fact!!
Win lose or draw, a big well done to everyone and I hope to see everyone continuing there training and development, as there is a real buzz around the gym at the minute and there are future champions to be made. So everyone lets keep up the good work!!
By Gareth AndersonGareth Anderson on 01 May 2014
I have found it hard to describe the overall feeling of the New Breed event. There where highs and lows, without a doubt. Training was tough yet it was the most enjoyable training I have ever took part in. Fellow team mates and of course, Mr Murray himself, made sure of that. At the end of the training I felt ready and confident.
Come fight day, I felt very little nerves, soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying the spectacle. It was time to put everything into practice.
Regrettably, the fight did not go my way, and was over all too soon. There probably hasn’t been a day since that I haven’t run the fight through my head and asked questions of myself.. is this for me? Should I be doing this? Am I too old? Too unfit? It made me question everything I was sure off during the training.
I made fundamental mistakes and got beat. Now it’s time to fix those mistakes, train harder, pick myself up and prove to myself that the doubts that crept into my head after the event are wrong.
The great Vince Lombardi once said “If you can’t accept losing, you can’t win.” Time to pick myself up and get back at it.
Everyone at the event did a phenomenal job, win, lose or draw and we should all be proud. Hopefully every one of my New Breed team mates will be back at training on Thursday as it’s been an absolute pleasure training with you and may it continue!
By James BoydJames Boyd on 01 May 2014
The whole experience of the New Breed event was amazing. The massive commitment of the training, the highs and lows.
It was one of the most challenging and rewarding things I have ever done and at the end of it I have never felt fitter. Mr Murray said “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail” those words made going through all the pain of training easier. I knew when it came to fight day I had done everything Mr Murray asked of me. If I focused on what I had been taught, it would all fall in to place. I thought on the day I would be nervous but I wasn’t at all, a combination of the preparation put in and the huge support and ecouragement from the whole Prokick team put me at total ease. All I had to do was enjoy the experience of the day and what a day it was. The organisation, the way everyone is looked after, the planning down to the final detail, it was just outstanding. All I had to do was soak up the buzz and excitment. I really can’t put in to words the feeling standing outside the door waiting on your name being called then walking in to the ring, talk about an adrenaline rush. It was awesome and something I will never forget… Thank you Mr Murray for making it happen and for all your coaching both in and out of the gym and thank you to the whole Prokick team and New Breed fighters for their massive encouragement and motivation.
Commitment, Courage and Character are the best words to describe the New Breed Team.
By Paul DobsonPaul Dobson on 30 Apr 2014
This was an amazing experience from start to finish! The training was really tough but definitely paid off in the ring. After getting my rib injured 5 weeks before my fight i was worried I wouldn’t make it into the ring, took 10 days off and started back into my training, some nights even jus a couple of weeks before my fight I was in so much pain after training I could have cried but I pushed through it and eventually it started to feel better and it was so worth it. On the day I didn’t feel nervous but watching it back I certainly looked it, but I had great support from the Prokick team, especially Darren in the few hours leading up to the fight which definitely helped calm the nerves. I really enjoyed the fight itself but cringe watchin it back, i certainly learn a lot from watchin it, it’s impossible to explain how exhausting a couple of rounds in the ring for real actually is. I’m obviously really happy with the result and can’t wait to do it all again. Well done team Prokick and thanks Mr Murray for makin it happen
By Rowena Rowena on 28 Apr 2014