This class is just a sparring class NOT a fighters class and is designed for the kickboxing enthusiast who want to step up another level and Spar with no pressure!
New Sparring Class
THE GOOD NEWS - A New Sparring class will kick off TONIGHT Wednesday April 8th at 6pm - THE BAD NEWS sorry its FULL and over subscribed. The new sparring class for the wannabe kickboxer is designed for those who just want a few rounds of sparring - kickboxers will met up to go through the do's and don't s for the class - so that every one knows what to expected for the next six weeks helping them gain as much from their experience at the sparring course.
This class is just a sparring class NOT a fighters class and is designed for the kickboxing enthusiast who want to step up another level and have a sparring session with the understanding that it is in a controlled environment and a class for non competitors - IMPORTANT, if anyone wishes to become a competitor please talk with your instructor, for a suitable class for you!
The class starts at 6pm - 7.00 pm Wednesday April 8th and takes place at Prokick HQ, Wilgar Street -Please arrive at 5.45 were posible.
Equipment needed:
Gum shield and running shoes - the rest we have at the gym, for now.
For those interested in the next 6 weeks intensive sparring contact
ProKick members are advised to take out personal insurance before joining the sparring class. ProKick are not accountable for any injuries sustained in the sparring classes.
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