It is in the interest of the gym and its members to try to adhere to the following - this will protect us from loss of custom, loss of credibility and sponsorship, bad press, and from being left open to liable action.

Please protect ProKick Gym by showing respect towards ProKick and its staff while outside of training, and to the same level as you would inside the club.

Please do not use social media to publicise any event hosted by/ involving ProKick – wait until it has been published on and then feel free to share and use on social networks (but with a link-back to ProKick to comply with copyright laws).  

Current ProKick member or staff have permission and may take, re-post pictures and stories on appropriate and recognised media platforms but only with a link-back to ProKick as a mark of courtesy. This does not apply to non or former members of ProKick. Written consent must be approved first.

Please do not alter any images or remove any logos – all images and content are the intellectual property of

Copyright law reserves ProKick the exclusive rights to the use and distribution of any material published there – you can share and re-post as stated above but nothing must be altered or added too.

Please refrain from using bad language, inappropriate images or derogatory comments about individuals/ clubs/ groups etc when tagging ProKick to any posts. We aim to promote a positive image for the sport and need all our members to reflect this when they associate themselves with ProKick.

Individuals who represent the club in anyway will be expected to behave in a manner that is appropriate to their public role, and as ambassadors for the sport and club are expected to remove their name* from anything that could damage ProKick Gym`s reputation or leave it open to legal action from outside parties.

If you are a representative of a club/ sport etc. you are a public figure and when posting something on Facebook or Twitter you are making an official statement, as surely as if you'd sent out a news release -  make sure your posts are something you'd be proud to have retweeted and shared.

Think before you post. There’s no such thing as a “private” social media site - search engines can turn up posts years after the publication date. Every tweet is archived and comments can be forwarded or copied. Archival systems save information even if you delete a post.

*To remove yourself from a tagged image please follow the instructions below.

Go into the album where the picture is located and click on options at the bottom of the picture you`re tagged in.

Select `remove tag`