Day 6 in the Big ProKick House
It was the final day of Boot Camp with no major catastrophies except Desi is still on the missing list. Yesterday the 100 year old called into the gym (with letter from the Queen in hand) to inform ProKick's Billy Murray that the reason he hadn't been attending was due to celebrations - he had one too many. Shame on you Desi but congratulations on the big birthday.
All joking aside Mr Mac is away on his holidays today with wife in tow.
No shows were Ross Hamilton and Paul McClintock, both injured or sore.
It was a handy day for the conclusion of boot camp - a few laps round the block, a bit of shadow boxing bag work and that's about it, or is that it?
Stay tuned to find out.
Final thoughts on the boot camp to come.
Day 5 in the Big ProKick House
The penultimate day of the boot camp and everybody was wondering who will show and who won't. This is an all bulletin alert for Rocky Desi who has been missing for the last 2 days. The 91 year old has got an excuse that he is off on holiday but that is no excuse.
Barrie Oliver was late yet again, the Killinchy Mauler ended up being chauffeured in to town by car to catch up with the team that were well on their way on a sight seeing mission of Belfast's City Centre sights with photographs of their tour.
Lazy toes Pawel Gorka and Ross Hamilton were no shows, Hamilton was hurt in sparring last night that's his excuse - Pawel may be dropped from the event.
The boot camp featured running only, 6.6 miles to the City Hall, the holiday Inn and back up Albertbridge road to the gym.
The shocker of the day was a guest appearance by veteran runner with over 65 marathons to his credit Mr Hopkins father of Chris Hopkins, and guess what it was a race back from the Holiday Inn and the 65 year old beat his 20 year old son back to the gym.
Mr Hopkins said he was very impressed with the overall fitness of all the boys.
The final bootcamp is tomorrow at 7am.
Day 4 in the Big ProKick House
First up - Where is Rocky Desi? The 90 year old senior citizen is now on the missing list. He was not alone however, Ricky Beggs and Ed Rennick failed to show whilst young Luke Hosick and Adam Turnbull were late, much to their peril.
Another change of training as the ProKick team stepped up their running ten fold followed by floor work, circuit training and fast explosive pad work. The morning was finished off with some feeling slightly dizzy as they experienced equilibrium training.
Asymmetrical equilibrium training minimizes the proprioceptive input, emphasizing the role of the biomechanical component in postural regulation.
Which in Laymans terms means to help deal with recovery from a knockout blow or any imbalance in the ring - Prokick style equilibrium training.
ProKicker's look forward to more spinning classes tomorrow after their big run tomorrow to Belfast's city centre. All must be at the gym for 5.30am ready to go at 5.45am.
Day 3 in the Big Prokick House
ProKick's Desi Mac vanquished his demons as he arrived 1 hour early for the BBC 'Billy's Boot Camp'.
Such was the impact of the blog on that today produced no drama and everyone was present and correct. Well two were late - Richard Beggs and Alastair McMichael.
Karl McBlain - who didn't turn up yesterday morning, arrived at the gym 6 hours late with his mum in tow. The teenager sported a new blue sling click here for more
That doesn't mean that there isn't much to write about today - The training stepped up a new gear and went outside the gym as some of the fighters saw parts of Belfast they'd never before and probably won't want to again as the ProKick team hammered the roads of east Belfast for a 3 mile run then back to the gym for sit-ups, floor work and more laps of the gym.
Let's hope the Boot Camp continues for the rest of the week with no drama, but fear not if there is anything to report it will be here on
Day 2 in the ProKick House
70 year old Rocky Desi was once quoted bad mouthing much loved film character Rocky Balboa. The elderly gent who daily takes part in Billy Murray’s boot camp said “That Rocky fella doesn’t know what real training is,” said the confident great grandfather.
“I’m out on the roads every morning at 6am with Billy Murray and the ProKick team and that’s before I go to work. When my work is done I go back to the gym and spar with fighters half my age and even younger.
"If Rocky Balboa thinks he is battling with mid-life crisis, he ain’t got nothing on me!”
However that wasn’t the case this morning as the mature student failed to turn up as he was still in bed counting sheep. He wasn’t the only one laying in his pit as Adam Turnbull and Karl McBlain were also no shows.
And British title contender Barrie Oliver dared to turn up late, albeit 4 minutes, but the early bird catches the worm and if Oliver wants to win he needs to be here ahead of the pack.
His excuse is that he has over 30 miles to drive from Ballywalter but what was heavyweight Pawel Gorka’s excuse as he too turned up late when he just lives around the corner?
It was Day 1. in the ProKick house
Over twenty turned up for the week-long 'boot camp' and what a miserable day it was - rain, rain and more of the same as the ProKickers took to the streets.
No drama this time, no-one late. Everyone trained hard and are feeling fit and ready for the rest of the week.
It's not easy getting out of bed at 5am to trudge the roads in rain hail or snow, (UK Summer weather is great). Luckily for these guys we have had no snow to date - yet!
All fighters on the August 16th bill must be at the gym on Tuesday morning for 5.45am to do their 3 laps and be ready to train at 6am.
Boot Camp is free, though if you miss your class after attending theboot camp there will be a £10 penalty incurred. This is additionaltraining and is not intended as a substitute for your normal classes.
This mornings boot camp was held a bit later than normal, but felt as early..
3 laps of the gym then into our normal gym work…
We had a few discussions about our up coming bouts and getting prepared as the days close into sundays fight day..
Fitness is high on our agenda and everyone will no doubt be continuing on with the regular exercises and keeping the body ready for sunday the 16th..
Im really looking forward to a lie in tomorrow though, its going to be nice not getting up at 5am for a change, though i reckon i may naturally wake up at 5am tomorrow as im now used to it..
Everyones buzzing with fitness now and know what they are capable weeks evening classes will keep us in prime condition and i reckon secretly the fighters including myself are all quite excited out our fights.
Well done fighters
Thanks Mr Murray and Mr Masterson for your time and training…
By Mark1 on 07 Aug 2009
That Friday Feeling:
Well i was ALMOST late this morning and Mr Masterson was already thinking of my punishment and what to blog..
What a refreshing Friday feeling at boot camp this morning,with anticipation high on exactly were we were going it was straight into the run into Belfasts City Centre for photos and some sweat induced running…
The streets were deserted except for the odd early morning workers or the milkman…
A few stares were certainly there as a hoard of 20+ Prokick Fighters ran onto the city centre streets sporting our ’ watch me fight live t-shirts’ as we grouped together for a photo at City Hall..
then onto the fight venue The Holiday Inn.
The weather was perfect, and the roads smooth for the fast paced run back to the Prokick Gym..Everyone involved put in such a good effort and their fitness has shown through thanks to Mr Murray and Mr Masterson and The Big Boot Camp.
Proud to be part of it, Feeling Fit n Healthy…
By Mark1 on 06 Aug 2009
a stable situation in which forces cancel one another
This mornings exercises were full of runs runs runs, gym work on pads, bags and shadow boxing, and more runs..
So any name and shames this morning
By Mark1 on 05 Aug 2009
Ricky, Alistair…Tut
Medicine Ball !!
Sounds tame, but it aint…ohhh my shoulders
This mornings ‘‘BBC’’ was a long run thorugh belfasts quiet streets, the odd curtain twitched and the odd glance from motorists or the road sweepers, but that was it, then back to the gym were we met the medicine balls, so it was rounds of sits ups, holding the medicine balls and of course the circuits of the gym with sit-ups,star jumps,press ups, squat thrusts and so on…and with Laps of the gym chucked in between our gym work for good measure…it was a fast mornings workout and very benificial for our fitness
The weather held up this morning and was quite fresh and helped when out on the road run..
Everyone was worked hard this morning and their fitness leval really does show through more now…
Well done guys
Bad Luck to Karl McBlain who has worked hard getting ready for his fight, im sure he is gutted…but its only a blip on your future fighting career.
By Mark1 on 04 Aug 2009
This mornings boot camp was as usual hard, fast paced and of course full of screams of encouragement…
No time to think this morning either as we started our runs immediatly, then as groups of 5 finished their runs we were sheparded into the gym for hard fast circuits, then out again for more laps, then back again for circuits and so on…
Plenty of sweat and gritting teeth to bite back at the burn..The whole group attending (sentenced!!) to boot camp are working hard as they know its going to make that extra difference to their fitness and stamina..
Until Tomorrow morning..
By Mark1 on 04 Aug 2009
That was a fast paced class this morning, and yep, i think i was beginning to faulter slightly, but with Both Mr Murray and Mr Masterson screaming in your ear and telling you what an unfit sorry old person you are and that someone rolling over in their still warm bed was doing more than you.. soon get REMOTIVATED…
Training hard really does take so much commitment, and does show what it takes to became a fighter..Have i ever thought..’’ i cant do this ‘’ whilst gasping for air or trying to fight the pain..? Thankfully NO…
But sometimes id rather you just
put me down like a dog..or dig a hole and chuck me in
Fail to Prepare - Prepare to Fail - Mr Murrays Words and it is so true..this boot camp is really in your face, it pushes buttons you never knew were there and works a persons fitness and stamina like never before…
Until tomorrow morning..
No tonight…arggghh
By Mark1 on 02 Aug 2009