Ken Hitman Horan in Belfast - IMAGE
Ken ‘The Hit-Man Horan is now in full swing for his up-n-coming championship bout in Grimsby England with England's John Lee. Ken was in Belfast today (Saturday) at the ProKick gym for a hard afternoons training. But first before that happened Ken and team had a 4 hours road trip for a couple of hours training - yes an eight hour round trip.
NOTE: for all you young wannabe fighters out there - THIS is the type of things a fighter needs to do if you want to be a champion and when you achieve as much as Ken Horan has then you take nothing for grated and do want needs to be done to get the job done and stay on top!
Sprints, hard and fast pad work, topped off with 45 minutes of non-stop sparring with 10 different opponents from lightweight to heavyweight.
The Galway based Horan, is the current WKN amateur world champion and will fight on May 22nd in England.
All his sparring and team mates from ProKick wish him well on his preparation for the bout.
cheers guys .. we’l do it all again next saturday ..
By ken horanken horan on 16 Apr 2011