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Nadene’s Photographic Proof

Mr Murray says that this was a lucky punch from Nadene, then changed his story and said it was a set up to make her look good. Fran says it wasn't it was a great punch and it wobbled him : All images © Click here for full terms & conditions.
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No Sunday lunch for the chosen few as a group of die-hards went without the traditional Sunday din-dins to take part in a sparathon at the ProKick Gym to raise funds for Stuart Jess’ title tilt this Friday.
Oh it’s on Rico! I smell blood now!!!
By NadeneNadene on 04 Mar 2009
Pot, kettle, black??
And will you STOP spelling my name wrong!!
By NadeneNadene on 03 Mar 2009
emmm Nadine, STOP using work time and its computer to leave messages…
im gonna squeal on ya..LOL
By Mark1 on 02 Mar 2009
Hey Ricky, yes I’m quite the fighter these days, so none of your cheek when you come back!!
How’s the ‘injury’ - you still crying??
Look after yourself and we’ll maybe see you on Friday night if you’re going.
By NadeneNadene on 02 Mar 2009
I love it!! I must say, after this punch, Mr Murray came at me and it ended up like a carry on film with me running and squealing round the ring cos he wanted revenge!! Thank goodness Brooke rung the bell!!
Lisa/Fran/Brooke - the 2nd half of your payments comes tonight
And Mark, you were good - but I was better!!!
Also I just wanna tell you Mr Murray, I think you are the bestest, most talented, most handsome fighter/coach ever - Mr Perfect has nothing on you!! (Is this enough for you to not murder me tonight?? Or do you want money too??)
By NadeneNadene on 01 Mar 2009
Nadine i came in after you, and Mr Murray was staggering around and saying things like (Harry. HARRY who the heck is harry )
so you got him good…though im not sure if you should have, see i took it easy as you gotta remember you have classes tommorrow night and mr Murray might look for revenge..
Proud of ya Nadine…i reckon you should be surprise fighter on friday…
Then again if you drink them Goldslaggers, you might be a fighter….but out of the
By Mark1 on 01 Mar 2009