Stag Party With A Difference - IMAGE
Marriage Bells Seconds-Out
A couple of Prokick members were listening to the chimes of wedding bells last Saturday 23rd of June. The night before the BIG day the two ProKickers, Adrian van Schalkwyk and Paul Ricketts, should have been out on the town partying the night away, but instead the duo were in the ring in an attempt to move up the kickboxing ladder of excellence.
The pair were at ProKick Gym practising a rehearsal for their Green Belt grading. The kickboxing High School friends impressed Mr Paul Gordon and Mr Billy Murray so much that they were awarded their 3rd Level passes in the style of ProKick Kickboxing - Green Belts.
If all went as well as you both performed on Friday night then I take it the wedding well?
Best of luck and See you both soon
Congrats on the wedding and the belts. Not a bad weekend all in all!
By David FilerDavid Filer on 25 Jun 2012