Ya Aint Putting Me Down

ProKick's Mark Winter had this to say... "Next was Ian Young, he was practicing his low kicks, I was 6th into the ring with him, every other previous opponent ended up on the floor..Watching this made me freak, i honestly did, seeing Ian kick out made me shake, but before i knew it i was in."
Mark went on to say "He came at me and all I wanted was not to end up on the floor, so I took the fight to him trying to stay close, when I kicked I made it as fast as I possibly could so there was no opening for him to take me down..and I did it, I didn't go down, though I think he simply didn't want to put me down, I was nearly down but nope."
I dont even remember this bit, it looks good though..lol
Clash of the titans !!!
Well 1 titan and a putty tat training to be a Tiger….
Ian makes it look so easy, he seems very relaxed and focused and totally reading every move i make..all he needs to do is shout YESSSS, each time he hits us..
Though maybe next time hopefully us guys will have learned so much more and be able to protect and counter attack with a more smooth well practiced style…
By Mark1 on 02 Apr 2009