The new sparring members ran three laps of the block and had a round robin sparring session - 4 year old Mascot Riley led them off
Beginners Sparring Course Week 4 Completed
It was week No.4 of the all New beginners sparring class which kicked on the 8th April. There were 22 of the original 23 new wannabe kickboxers who signed up for the 6 week course. The class continued to get rude awakenings into the world of competition by completing 3 last of the ProKick block and yet again no one was sick. Guys don't forget your running shoes for week 5!
This class is just a sparring class NOT a fighters class and is designed for the kickboxing enthusiast who want to step up another level and have a sparring session with the understanding that it is in a controlled environment and a class for non competitors.
IMPORTANT, if anyone wishes to become a competitor please finish this course first and then talk with your instructor, for a suitable class for you!
DONT forget your running shoes!
Well done guys, youve taken a big step into the next leval of your kickbox gets better every week, so does the buzz…
Id reccomend if you feel your gonna get into it to buy the prokick gloves, shin guards and head will need them and theres nothing worse than scrambling to get the least smelly ones on the floor of the gym.
nicer than them ole sweaty things..and dont let anyone were them…if yer stingy ya get the sweaty
By Mark1 on 08 Apr 2009