Standing counts, Knock downs and knock outs was the order of the day for some.

There were 12 bouts lined up from atomweight to super heavyweight there were a lot of talent on display. 

 Photograph special and video highlights to follow

Special thanks to Paramedic team Mr Fred Fergus, timekeeper Andy McAlees, Video and lead organiser of the day Lisa McAlees.

Not forgetting Mr Beavis the top referee Robert 'The Master' Masterson.



Here a list from some of the names that took part in the Sunday sparrathon

James Gillen Vs Arek Stankiewicz
Ian Young Vs Kris Hanna
David Hunsdale Vs Mark Winter
David Bird Vs Ross Hamilton
Sam Donaghy Bell Vs Stephen Houston
Colin Simms Vs Kris Hanna, Arek Stankliewicz,

Carl McBlian Vs Ian Young , David Bird

Kickboxing Full-Contact
Jordan Ferguson Vs Anne Gallagher
Ian Cumberland Vs Alastair McMichael
Chris Hopkins Vs Mark Bready
Craig Niell vs David Hunsdale, Mark Winter, Ian Cuberland
Andrew McCreary Vs Stephen Houston Ross Hamilton 



Well done to all who took part - - lets hope we can make this a monthly event!