Day Five
Well now I am at the end of my week work experience here at Prokick gym. So I could think of no better way to finish up than by writing a review of my week/ conclusion.
I started my first day really thinking what the hell I am doing here. I'm only 15, but soon I realised that it's not a bad place to be, actually it's really good and I enjoyed it. As the days want on I was getting used to it here. I enjoyed everyday more than the day before. Even though it's a very busy environment.
On my days here I'm glad to tell you that yes, I have learned new skills each day, that I never thought I would haven learned. Thanks to Mr Murray and Fran for teaching me. They might even come in handy to me later in life.
The skills I was taught were very important some I could even employ back in my school. From cleaning, which I've never done ever! To teaching kid's kickboxing. Also on my massive list of NEW SKILLS were Journalist, Photographer, fitness coach, referee, editing and receptionist. I think that's very impressive, but all taught in 5 days. Wow I think Mr Murray and Fran could make a living out of being teachers (Oh yeah, Mr Murray already does). Again thanks guys.
Anyways today I met a major very important sponsor to the event coming up, Mr Brendan Thompson of Schwarzkopf.
Only talked to the guy very briefly, but as soon as we started talking he was
teaching me successful business skills, for a while I didn't even know he
was, soon I caught on. The thing that I learned was that there's always an
answer even if you don't know it. There is!
I actually think in my last couple of days I've really learned something to put into play, and not in a dull boring way like you do in school. It was more fun and interesting way of learning. I would really love and enjoy improving my new learned skills.
Now coming to my final minutes from finishing my work experience at Prokick, I have just done an interview with our very own champion Gary Hamilton, about the fight coming up. He seemed very confident, though he is not as good a speaker as me, which you will see for yourself when we are finally able to get the video piece online. The Webmaster Mr DarylCampbell (click his name to see him) has complicated the website so much that it is now refusing to put videos online. Here's hoping he won't take several weeks to fix it.
I am really going to miss working at Prokick, but I'm just glad that I train here. I wouldn't want to be at a different gym than Prokick gym. I would say the rest of the Prokick members would say the same, and the work experience was really the best. I wouldn't want to do it in any other working environment.
Thanks for reading
Jordan Auld
Day Four
We started the day with a meeting about my progress and we ended up going to the rosebowl cafe just round the corner from the gym,. In the cafe was the most down to earth people, which I’ve seen and spoke to on the whole street so far. They gave me a lot of compliments about my good looks, which they’re not wrong. As I am a nice looking guy. Joke.
Soon after this we made our way down to the bank to take care of some day-day business for the gym then followed up by going to the Waterfront Hall where I helped take some publisity material and put up some kickboxing stuff for the up and coming event. Tickets are on sale now, Get them before they’re gone. It’s going to be a sell out guys. Oh and by the way the ticket desk told us that Marty Cox’s team have shifted a lot of tickets so please try be there to support our guy’s on the card, because they all need your commitment and support.I haven't got my ticket yet but I hope to get a free one for all the hard work I'm doing.
We picked up some tickets and headed back to the gym were Mr M and Fran again worked hard on the show and some editing. With some coffee breaks as usual! I then updated some pictures into my new gallery on the website. Check them out below. There’s some good 1’s. I cannot believe it.You wouldn't believe the amount of work that goes into putting a photo on the web, it needs to be sized, catalogued, sized again and then placed onto the web.
There’s only one more day before I finish my work experience here at Prokick. I am actually going to miss helping out in the gym. On Monday I'm straight back into school to do yet more exams in the up and coming weeks until I finish school. Then I can focus on what I really want to be in later life. A fitness instructor. It’s always really been my dream job and I am pretty sure if I set my mind to it I can make it a reality. It’s my goal in life, the other is to climb Mt Everest. No joke! I know I know it’s a wild goal, but if keep kickboxing I'll maybe even be able to sprint to the top.
I will continue writing after the classes...
I’ve just done my first yellow belt and above class. I think I tested their fitness. I took one kickboxer at a time in the ring whilst the rest of the class was working away on the kick pads. When I was taking the pads in the ring. I was also in charge of the kickboxers on the floor. I was supposed to take them for 1 minute each time.......But I was feeling evil so I took them for longer each time. I think I made the class work hard, and I meant to!
I think I have improved my skills at teaching in the last couple days. I still want to make them work harder because I think I can get more outta them. I won’t stop till I see blood and tears next time, and believe me there will be a next time. Tomorrow I pity anybody in the class it’s going to be atough one (joke)
Day three
Two days left, Started the usual wax on wax off, and now I’m starting to feel like the karate kid. I am really getting used to working, which sounds kinda weird as I’ve never had a job in my life.
Today so far I’ve wrote 3 different stories about boxing check them out on the website. I think you shall be very impressed with my writing skills for a 15 year old.
Later on tonight I’ll be doing some refereeing in the ring. And here’s hoping no punches manage to land on my face, also I’ll be trying out my photography skills, and after that’s done I will be looking over some of our beginners sparring in the ring and I’ll give Mr M the nod if there are any world beaters amongst them.
Not as easy as it looks. Didn’t get hit but it was difficult to handle at times. I really want to improve my skills at this. I think after a while I could be a pro referee.
Photographer- This was actually easier than refereeing. To start off it was difficult but soon I gained some knowledge thanks Mr M (Fran was off sick, coffee break more like it). I think I could make a living out of this. I could picture myself taking wedding photos, when I was taking the photographs of some of the fighters.
Now I’m refereeing again, it’s the end of the 6 weeks beginners sparring class.
The fighters were all fired-up for their sparring round robin night and with 18 kickboxers all doing 18-by-2 rounds each I had my work cut out for me. On a good point the rounds were short and strictly light-ish contact it was really just for the experience of both myself and the people in the ring.
I again played the man in the middle which is actually a big responsibility, because you have to cater for the safety of the students. Also you have to be 100% sure that you have made the correct decision. All in all is was a good day – move over Master Murrayachi there is a new kid on the block... Kidding!
Cleaner, Journalist, Photographer, fitness coach, referee and receptionist not bad for a day’s work. Overall I enjoyed taking part, refereeing and taking photographs. I can understand why people like taking photographs.
I hope you enjoy what I’ve wrote so far.
Day two
After day one I couldn’t wait getting back into the gym. I started the day off by pairing the mighty gloves and pads back to their rightful place on the ringside (Those students really ought to put them back where they found them). Then I went on to tidy up the gym after the pounding last night’s classes had brought.
Yesterday I learnt a bit about editing fight videos. have a look through the website gallery for some of the videos. Fran will say that she done them but really it was my artistic work, and Ian Young is right she drinks too much coffee. By the way Ian you need a few more classes from me and then you will be up for the December show. And Gary Hamilton it won't be long before you'll be polishing my world title belts after looking at your last bout in Dublin, (Which was the one I edited last night, sorry I tried to make you look good but there was just no mission)
Later I will be helping out with the kid’s class, which is my first class I’ve ever helped with! Tonight is the first time I’ve seen the whole class of Prokick kid’s since I used to be in it myself, which is a long, long time ago. But I know the standards of the kid’s are actually pretty high. I cannot wait to try out the youngsters talents in the sport of kickboxing. I will make sure they sweat, But also have fun. I will inform you about the class later.
Evening -The classes today want well indeed. I took two of the warm-ups out of three.
First class: well I thought for a minute “Children, oh no........” But they all seem to be a nice bunch of kid’s and they’re there to learn kickboxing. I got thrown in at the deep end, but I know the warm-ups I do in my classes so all was good.
Second class: I knew what to expect I again started and done the warm-up and I MADE some of those so called adults find it hard to breath.
All in all I think I done pretty well for my first time helping out in the classes as it goes ‘first time for everything’. I really cannot believe the difference from being taught to teaching. You need to give so much motivation into the class, but I respect that.
Overall today was good. I hope to improve my teaching, because I want to see them suffer even more!
Day one
Hi I am Jordan Auld. I have been studying the art of kickboxing at this wonderful gym for over 6 years. I am now 15 years of age. I am glad to say that kickboxing has changed my perspective in life. The last 6 years I have enjoyed being taught by the best. I started at the kickboxing HQ as a ProKick kid then I advanced up ranks to become were I am today BROWN belt level.
I am doing 5 days of work experience at the gym. I know that I am going to enjoy the next 5 days here. As I am somewhere I love to be. Today I have been keeping the gym in fighting shape. I have already brushed the floor to perfection and mopped and started to write the Blog as a daily record of my experience and time here – I’ve also added my own flair to a grading story from yesterday which I hope I get a credit for from the Carrick Advertiser, ....well we all have to start some where.
Will fill you all in tomorrow on the rest of my first day at ProKick, feel free to leave me a few lines of encouragement.
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