Wednesday night (26/10) saw the final night of the 6 week ProKick HQ beginner sparring course and again, everyone who started the course completed it and with their biggest test to date, getting into the ring for the first time. Nerves were high for some but everyone stepped up to the plate and got in for 2 rounds of light but fast paced sparring. A massive well done to everyone who took part, especially to those in the class who have only been at the gym for a few months.
The course will now move into the Level 2 phase starting next week (2/11) and it we hope to see everybody back again for level 2.
Week three (5/10/2011) and still nobody has dropped out, excellent to see. Tonight consisted of the normal work on increasing fitness and evasive skills and in the second half, the group were introduced to low-kick kickboxing sparring for the first time.
The Second week was the 28th September and the lesson was all about countering the kicks, well done guys keep it up.
This course is for the ProKick members who have never taken part in a sparring course before or have competed in any manner.
The class is just a sparring class NOT a fighters class and is designed for the kickboxing enthusiast who want to step up another level and have a sparring session with the understanding that it is in a controlled environment and a class for non competitors - IMPORTANT, if anyone wishes to become a competitor please talk with your instructor, for a suitable class for you!
Pictured are the kickers on Week No.1
Hi! just wondering if you can start the beginners sparring class without ever being to prokick or ever had any experience of kickboxing, my friends wanted to know, thanks! (((ProKick Edit - Sorry No)))))
By jamie mccuskerjamie mccusker on 28 Sep 2011
Mr Murray I see you have to be invited to certain sparring classes do I just go to level one or what do I do thanks. ((ProKICK - Edit sent you an email Gerard))))
By Gerard lavelleGerard lavelle on 27 Sep 2011
Hi what age do you have to be to become a competitor? thanks
((((ProKIck Edit - under Full-Contact rules with our group 15 to 16 years old)))
By Jamie MccuskerJamie Mccusker on 22 Sep 2011