Boot Camp 1st August was a wet, blowy and colder morning than previous, lets hope this is not winter come early. Two boot Campers were on the missing list on this dismal morning. Get well soon. Today's Camp started with shadow boxing, stretching, and a light warm-up, more shadow boxing. The group spent the rest of the session outside - just under a 2 miles run with 8 x 100 meter sprints. Back to gym for a little pad work & a kickboxing circuit. Well done to all our hard-core fitness fanatics. NEXT CAMP WILL BE POSTED SOON>
WEEK 10 Day 1 July 31st - Boot Camp was back today Wednesday 31st July for a 3 Day special. First day and two bootneckers missing, just no show, tut tut! What did we do today? Worked hard that's what the camp done. Lets just say, it was a tough session, saying that all our Boot Camps are. Want to take part in the next Camp? Then join us for another three day special. This will be the last camp for the next few weeks. All starting 6,7 and 8th August. Details will be on-line later today.
WEEK 10 July 31st - August 2nd
WEEK 9 July 22nd -26th
FINAL DAY of week No.9
Yes, we have completed a week long Boot Camp at the ProKick gym! That's what was said when the final bell sounded on week No.9 of Billy's Boot Camp at the ProKick gym in east Belfast this morning Friday 26th July 2013. For some Boot-Campers, it was a sigh of relief it was all over, disappointment for those who couldn't complete and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment for others who stayed the course to hear the bell for the very last time this week.........TODAY, Friday 26th and 4 Campers still on the missing list! What did we do today? You ask. Lets just say, it was a tough session, but saying that all our Boot Camps are. Join us next week for a three day special, more on this later this afternoon.
ProKick style Boot Camp No.9 finished with a sigh of relief, as some said it was the toughest all week. This is our 9th official Boot Camp this year for 2013. It all kicked off Monday 22nd of July and will run until tomorrow Friday the 26th of July for this, a week-long Bootie special .........TODAY, Thursday 25th was the fourth and penultimate day of Boot Camp. No Surprise today as 4 Campers were on the missing list! Two people failed to phone or text ahead with excuses.... Day 4 in the old Tin-Hut, the ProKick house started with stretching, shadow boxing, No Sprints today, the rest of the session was spent on boxing, boxing and more of the same.
DAY 4 - Boot Camp ProKick style Day 3, Done and dusted. This is our 9th official Boot Camp this year for 2013 - it all kicked off Monday 22nd of July and will run until this Friday the 26th for a week-long Bootie special
DAY 3 - Wednesday 24th was the third day of Boot Camp. Surprisingly, all of the 20 who signed-up were ALL present and correct. NONE on the missing list! This was great news. Day 3 in the old ProKick house started with stretching, a much slower pace then normal. Moving on to a little shadow boxing, Sprints next; Karl McBlain set the fastest time of 2:01 with the last man coming in at 3:18. The rest of the session was spent on boxing exercise, a few laps (running/jogging) , finishing off with a light circuits on the bags to sprints inside the gym,
This is our 9th official Boot Camp this year for 2013 - and it all kicked off Monday 22nd of July and will last until Friday the 26th - it's a week special Camp..........TODAY was Tuesday the second day of Boot Camp, week No.9 - 20 signed-up with 1 on the missing list and it's only the 2nd day. The first day started with stretching, a slower pace then normal, moving on to shadow boxing, the rest of the session spent on boxing exercise, no running, had a 10 min circuits yesterday and today,
This is our 8th Boot Camp this year in 2013 - and it all kicked off today Wednesday 24th of April and will last to Friday the 26th - it's a three Day special Camp..........It was the first day day of Boot Camp, week No.8 and the 24th April - 22 signed-up with 2 extra turning up. There was only 2 on the missing list and it is the first day, sorry please don't turn-up tomorrow your places are gone. The first day started with stretching, and a slower pace then normal, moving on to shadow boxing, with the rest of the session spent on boxing exercise, no running or circuits today, that's tomorrow...NOT. BOOK YOUR PLACE ON THE NEXT CAMP NOW>>>>>>
Our Boot Camp kicked off again Wednesday 10th to Friday 12th for a three Day special Camp..........It was the final day of Boot Camp, week No.7 Friday 12th April - 22 signed-up for this, the seventh Boot Camp of 2013. Still three on the missing list from the start of the week. The final day started with stretching, and a slower pace then normal, moving on to shadow boxing, and all the rest of the session was spent on boxing exercise, running and circuits. The Camp finished of with light body boxing,(NO head contact) And that was week7 of Billy's Boot Camp. BOOK YOUR PLACE ON THE NEXT CAMP NOW>>>>>> April 24th, 25th & 26th starting at 6am ONLY 22 places.
WEEK 7 DAY - April 10th, 11th, and 12th.
It was a three day special Boot Camp which kicked off on Wednesday 10th and stoped on Friday the 12th - a three Day Camp.......... all week it was a wide range of drills for this, the seventh Boot Camp of 2013. Stretching, shadow boxing, boxing exercise, running, circuits, kicks to light body boxing,(NO head contact) And that was week7 of Billy's Boot Camp. BOOK YOUR PLACE ON THE NEXT CAMP NOW>>>>>>
It was the final day of Boot Camp, week No.6 Friday 5th April - 22 signed-up for this, the sixth Boot Camp of 2013. Still four on the missing list from the start of the week. The final day started with stretching, and a slower pace then normal, moving on to shadow boxing, and all the rest of the session was spent on boxing exercise. The Camp finished of with light body boxing, bag training and a light circuit. And that was week 6 of Billy's Boot Camp. BOOK YOUR PLACE ON THE NEXT CAMP NOW>>>>>>
Boot camp update: Thursday 4th April 2013 -
Today's Camp, Thursday 4th April - 22 had signed-up for this, the sixth Boot Camp of 2013. Four on the missing list from yesterday and a further 4 no-shows who sign-up and haven't even turned-up.Day two started with stretching, shadow boxing, and then floor exercises. The class was divided again into two, with one group on a lap of the gym (outside) just .4 of a mile. Group 2 worked on bag training and circuits. it was then Group 2 out running with group 1 in. This was the order of day No.2 of week 6 for Billy's Boot Camp.
WED 3rd April -
It was the return of Billy's Boot Camp and it all starts again today Wednesday 3rd of April. it is a three day special for the extreme early morning fitness fanatic. Boot Camp demands red eye training to avoid black eyes in the ring. If you really want to get in the best shape of your life here's a tough no-nonsense training regime that guarantees results without crippling your pocket.
There was no April fool about Boot Camp - It was a new week and a new Boot Camp with old & new faces. Twenty four had signed up with only 18 making the first day, two phoned in, down sick and the other two must have, BootCamp-itis, hopefully they will show-up tomorrow.
It was the the sixth week of Billy's Boot Camp in 2013 - and it is a BIG well done to all who attended. Today's Camp, WED 3rd April - First up. it was the weigh-ins then started with shadow boxing, stretching, and a little floor work. The class was divided into two, with one group on a lap of the gym (outside) whilst the other group worked circuits and pads then change around and the session was one group in one out. That was the order of the day. Sign-up now online BOOT campers you can lift today's group and other photos from Billy Murray profile page on the new FACEKICK page. Sign-up today.
This exercise plan is a hard physical training camp which is designed for the New Breed of ProKick fighters this type of training regime is required to increase the fitness to a highest level. It will also help those who are just looking to get super extra fit and will give an insight into what it takes to get fit to climb into the ring.
For further info or if anyone has any questions, please phone the gym on (028) 9065 1074 or email
It was the end of week No. 5 of ProKick's Boot Camp set in 2013 - Friday 8th March and it all stated as normal at 6am. it was a wet, blowy and cold morning, one that would take very little encouragement to stay in bed. That was the case for a TOTAL of 9 boot Campers on this dismal morning - get well soon. Today's Camp started with shadow boxing, stretching, a light warm-up, more shadow boxing, then the group spent the rest of the session on pad work & a kickboxing circuit on the bags. Well done to all our hard-core fitness fanatics. NEXT CAMP WILL BE POSTED SOON>
WEEK 5 DAY 2 - DAY TWO Wednesday March 6th was Week No.5 of ProKick's Boot Camp in 2013 - it all stated at 6am, a bright and mild morning. There was a total of 22 signed up for week No.5. Four campers still didn't show they are still down with illness - get well soon. Today's Camp started with shadow boxing, stretching, a light warm-up, more shadow boxing, then the group spent the rest of the entire session on kicks and knee work. Well done to all our hard-core fitness fanatics. BOOK NEXT CAMP NOW JUST 22 PLACES>
WEEK 5. DAY 1 - ProKick's Boot Camp kicked off for week No.5 in 2013 - as normal it all stated at 6am on Monday 4th March, and it was a fresh morning at that.. There was a total of 22 signed up for week No.5. However eight of our campers have been stricken down with illness, with most stating they will hopefully be back Wednesday 6th. Today's Camp started with stretching, a light warm-up, shadow boxing, then the group spent the entire session on boxing. Well done to all our hard-core fitness fanatics.
WEEK 4. FINAL DAY - Last day of our latest Boot Camp kicked off again this morning, FEB 22nd and again at the normal time of 6am. There was a total of 22 signed up for week No.4. Just THREE Boot Campers on the missing list today. Today's Camp started with stretching, a light warm-up, shadow boxing, then the group took to the streets for a sprint, trying to beat yesterday's time. A brief circuit, and 3 extra laps for those who put on weight and for those who didn't beat their sprint time. Well done to all our hard-core fitness fanatics. BOOK NEXT CAMP NOW JUST 22 PLACES>
WEEK 4. DAY 2 - Our latest Boot Camp kicked off again this morning, FEB 21st at the normal time of 6am. There was a total of 22 signed up for week No.4. Today was day 2 of Billy's Boot Camp and there was FOUR Boot Campers on the missing list today..fines are in force. Today's Camp, we started with a light warm-up, shadow boxing, stretching, the class was split into two - while one group took to the streets for sprints, the other group worked inside, it was a roll-reversal with group two taking to the sprints - next it was pad work, kicks & knee practice. Last day tomorrow for this three day special.
WEEK 4. DAY 1 - Hi ProKick members and web surfers - our latest Boot Camp kicked off this morning FEB 20th at 6am. This is our early morning fitness plan for enthusiastic wannabe fighters and hard-core fitness fanatics. Our camps have enthused us to write a little that may help others find and feel the benefits of rising early to start some early morning sports activities. 22 Signed up for week No.4 FIVE campers on the missing list today..tut tut
WEEK 3. DAY 3 - It's over, well, week No.3 of ProKick's Boot Camp. Today was the last day of our 3 day Boot Camp special - and it all started again at 6am. Well done to all who finished and not late and didn't miss any days either. Billy's Boot Camp will start again very soon, details to follow. Three campers on the missing list with only two sending in a message ahead to apologize. Today, sprints and running the streets of Belfast, finishing with pad work and weigh-ins......Results later.
WEEK 3. DAY 2 - Boot Camp, the second day of week three is finished, and well done to those who managed to make it out of their beds. FOUR campers were on the missing list with only one sending in a message to apologize. Yesterday the session was concentrated on knee and kicks, today boxing was the order of the day. The group began with shadow boxing also light floor work and, stretching, again no running the streets of Belfast today,.. tomorrow? Pad work was on the menu and lots of it. Well done to our new Boot Campers - Sign-up now on-line for our next weeks 3 day special Boot Camp.
WEEK 3. DAY 1 It was the first day of week No.3 of Billy's Boot Camp, the third Camp in 2013. The group began with shadow boxing and light floor work and, stretching, no running the streets of Belfast today, that's tomorrow. Pad work was the order of the day. Well done to our new Boot Campers - Sign-up now on-line for our next weeks 3 day special Boot Camp.
WEEK 2. Final Day. It was the final day of week No.2 of Billy's Boot Camp, the second Camp in 2013. The group began with a hard circuit that lasted 15 mins then it was back to shadow boxing and lots of variation of the same, more stretching, no running the streets of Belfast today. Sign-up now on-line for our next weeks 3 day special Boot Camp.
WEEK 2. Day 4. It was the penultimate day of Billy's Boot Camp, the second Camp in 2013 and most said the hardest this week. The group began with stretching, then the order of the day was shadow boxing and lots of variation of the same, more stretching, no running the streets of Belfast today. Wait until you see the photos which will be posted on FaceKICK then you'll understand variation in shadow boxing. One day left...and then Nigel and Alex, you can punch the air...and say YES. Sign-up now on-line for our next weeks 3 day special Boot Camp.
WEEK 2. DAY 3. Past the half way mark as some Boot Campers punched the air at the end of this mornings session. Day No. 3 at ProKick's Boot Camp was the hardest his week - A big well done to all who turned up, there was three on the missing list. The group began with stretching, shadow boxing, more stretching, running the streets of Belfast, finishing with a hard circuit. Just two days left, then you can punch the air...YES. Sign-up now online for our next weeks 3 day special Boot Camp.
WEEK 2. DAY 2. Day No. 2 ProKick's Boot Camp, done and dusted - well done to all who turned up - there was 27 at today's Camp with 3 still on the missing list, and one late comer. It was the second week of Billy's Boot Camp in 2013 - a BIG well done to all who attended today's Camp, Tuesday 29th JAN - The group started with shadow boxing, stretching, hard floor exercises, boxing work, finishing with a light run, sounds easy,... TRY IT THEN!. Sign-up now online for our next weeks 3 day special Boot Camp.
WEEK 2. DAY 1. It was a new week and a new Boot Camp with some old faces and some new Boot Camp debutantes. Twenty eight had signed up with only 24 making the first day, two phoned in, down with a bug and two just didn't show, hopefully they can show-up tomorrow. It was the the second week of Billy's Boot Camp in 2013 - and it is a BIG well done to all who attended. Today's Camp, Mon 28th JAN - First up was the weigh-ins then started with shadow boxing, stretching, floor work, pads and finished off with a light run. Sign-up now online BOOT campers you can lift today's group and other photos from Billy Murray profile page on the new FACEKICK page. Sign-up today.
FINAL DAY WEEK 1. - It was the final day of Billy's Boot Camp, the first in 2013 - and it is a BIG well done to all who attended and more so congratulations goes to all who didn't miss a day. There was boot-campers on the missing list from yesterday. Today's Camp, Friday 18th JAN - we started with a light warm-up, shadow boxing, stretching, floor work, pads for some while others took the the streets for sprints. The Camp finished off with a hard fast circuit before hitting the scales for the weigh-ins to determine who is the biggest looser.
DAY 4 17/01/2013 - Billy's Boot Camp hit the penultimate day of the first Boot Camp for 2013. It was day 4 of ProKick's first 'Boot Camp' for the new year - two boot-campers on the missing list from yesterday. Thursday 17th JAN - we started with, stretching first 10 mins, floor work, pads, drills, sprints, hard shadow boxing, joging and that was all in a morning before the squad headed to work. Our latest early morning fitness ‘Boot Camp’ for enthusiastic wannabe fighters and hard-core fitness fanatics started Monday 14th and will last until Friday. BOOT campers can lift today's group and other photos from Billy Murray profile page on the new FACEKICK page. Sign-up today.
DAY 3 16/01/2013 - Billy's Boot Camp hit it's 3rd day of ProKick's first 'Boot Camp' for 2013 - three boot-neckers missing from day's Camp. Wednesday 16th JAN - today we concentrated on pad work, simple boxing technique but fast. Our latest early morning fitness ‘Boot Camp’ for enthusiastic wannabe fighters and hard-core fitness fanatics started Monday 14th and will last until Friday. BOOT campers can lift today's group and other photos from Billy Murray profile page on the new FACEKICK page. Sign-up today.
Day 2 15/01/2013 - of our first Boot Camp of 2013 - two boot-neckers missing from day's Camp, fines are in process. Today, Tuesday 15th JAN - we concentrated on floor exercises, and knee work on pads.Our latest early morning fitness ‘Boot Camp’ for enthusiastic wannabe fighters and hard-core fitness fanatics started Yesterday 14th and will last until Friday. BOOT campers can lift today's group and other photos from Billy Murray profile page on the new FACEKICK page. Sign-up today.
DAY 1. 14/01/2013 - Hi ProKick members and web surfers - our latest early morning fitness ‘Boot Camp’ for enthusiastic wannabe fighters and hard-core fitness fanatics started TODAY JAN 14th 2013. And it has enthused us to write a little that may help others find and feel the benefits of rising early to start some early morning sports activities.
First of all well done to our ProKick Members young and old, first-timers to experienced campers. The credit belongs to you for battling to elements to attend our early morning Boot Camp.
Why Work Out in the Morning? There are plenty of benefits to physical activity first thing in the morning.
"Early morning workouts revs up your metabolism, jump start your energy level and accelerate your ability to burn up calories," said an exercise physiologist.
"Early morning workouts give you a chance to put the world on hold for an hour or so," said Murray. "Exercise also helps the endorphins flow, and when you finish you are will be relaxed, in good and full of energy for the day ahead."
Other Sports experts also agree the benefits of early morning exercise far outweigh the minuses you may face.
"In our cardiac rehabilitation programs, experts don't see any increased risk from morning exercise," reported Gordon Blackburn, program director of cardiac rehabilitation. "Just be sure if you have heart or any other problems that you first talk over any early morning exercise plans with your doctor."
Billy Murray sees to it that the doors of the ProKick Gym open before 5:40 a.m. and supervises the members and wannabe fighters to start at 6 am sharp.
"More and more people are finding the benefit of exercising before starting work and that’s no bad thing - they can’t all be wrong. I’ve been early morning training off and on for over 35 years now. It's a great way to start your day off and before you head into work. I really think the psychological and physiological benefits outweigh the minuses, don't knock it untill you give it a real go at least a full week." Said Billy Murray a former world kickboxing champion.
glad the bike pic did not make the gallery
((((((((ProKick Edit - look again Mr Stinson))))))
By Jamie Stinson on 02 Aug 2013
Man I miss bootcamp it’s been a long time unfortunately with college I can’t make it down :(
By Adam Pierce on 20 Feb 2013