A Fitness Course With A Difference - Image

A new fitness Course kicked off but with a bit of a difference - ProKick kickboxing style. New Beginners got stuck-in last night 23rd March at the Prokick Kickboxing gym as the popularity continues for the sport at ProKick. Another new class kicked into action at the ProKick kickboxing school of excellence.
Beginners received their first taste of the sport with Mr Paul Gordon and then with Billy Murray. Over the next six-week students will work through the fundamentals of fitness, elements of self defence and if that is not enough the Prokick team will come up with a diet plan for those serious about getting in shape.
“It’s time to lose those extra pounds and get fit,” said Murray. “At ProKick we have a long reputation for taking everyone who comes through the doors and finding a regime that is right for them. We've trained world champions and those keen on burning off a few extra pounds.
It’s a fun way to get healthy and its open to absolutely everybody. "Kickboxing isn’t just about getting into a ring – it’s a great way to get in shape and stay in shape.”
had my first class there on tues night, great fun. lol.
cheers billy murray!
By davedave on 28 Mar 2010
Is it me or is that Swannie hiding in the back there ??
By Mark1 on 25 Mar 2010
First night completed at the beginners training session prokick. Loved it, loved the Discipline, fitness, teaching and ethics. I guess there will be a few more star jumps before the end of course.
Thank you Mr.Murray
By MarkMark on 24 Mar 2010
Did my first prokick lession last night.
Was great and I am seriously looking forward to next weeks
Thanks Mr Murray
By Harry HarperHarry Harper on 24 Mar 2010
Just completed my first beginners training session at prokick.
Loved every minute of it and cannot wait for the next session.
It’s very addictive. Thanks Mr Murray.
By Alan RussellAlan Russell on 24 Mar 2010