Boot Camp Final Day Week 4 - 2010 -Image

Here it is again guys - it's Part 4 of Billy’s Boot Camp and it started all over again on Monday 22nd-26th Feb and if you have attended any 'Boot Camps' in 2010 then you know what to expect. If you are thinking of joining us on one of our next camps - be aware the training is extremely tough but you will find it beneficial and helpful.
DAY 5 - Out of 32 only 18 turned up for the last day of Boot Camp this week. The start of the morning was quite subdued, there were around ten who arrived 15 minutes early and in ten minues there wasn't one word exchanged except from the Master Masterson who seemed to be annoying everyone because he was cheerful Charlie.
Started the day off with a couple of rounds of shadow boxig to warm up then straight into roundhouse kick after roundhouse kick after roundhouse kick (and so on) on the pads. The entire session was spent on one kick. It was fast moving and some found it tough, no all did.
There was some bad wind blowing through the old gym and it wasn't fresh air. At one stage Masterson stood up on the ring, screamed and then got back off.
All in all another good Boot Camp, trained well. Pity there was so many on the missing list all week not to get the beneift of it. A day here and a day there isn't really benneficial.
Next Boot Camp starts Monday 8th March to the 13th.
DAY 4 - There were 6 on the missing list for today's boot camp and there was 8 missing from the sparring last night. Is the training getting too tough?
Not for most and especially not for the machine and most hated man at boot camp (no not the Master Masterson) young David Bird. He was the instigator for the 4 sprints today, one after the other with less than a minute break and didn't you all do well. Not bad considering today was the first day of running after the bad weather all week.
Gary Fullerton hobbled in at 5.40am unfortunately couldn't compete today and was sidelined due to a low kick in sparring last night (very, very low indeed, an ankle injury) let's hope he is ok for tomorrow.
Mr Anderson emailed in - on the sick list. Bring your sick note in with the queens head on it.
Oh by the way guys whoever didn't turn up for sparring last night make sure you weigh in ten pound lighter next time your in.
Back to Boot Camp today was the penultimate day, the calm before the storm. Tomorrow brings sprints, fitness rounds and much, much more.
DAY 3 - Numbers dramatically down today as only 21 turned up out of a possible 32. First up a phonecall 10 minutes before we started, Davy Foster - one of his 4 kids are sick and Davy has also caught the bug, Get well soon, that's a tenner Davy.
Next was Will I Am who came in late, considering he gets a lift from Adrian Murphy who is also down sick for the third day, wow that's going to be an expensive boot Camp Adrian.
I was told off yesterday for spelling Turnball's name wrong. It wasn't me it was Brooke, but I will take the blame for it because she will probably say it was me. Oh yeah talking about Mr Turnball he came in 45 minutes late for boot camp to pay his fine, I looked at him he was like a drowned rat. (Guess what we didn't do any running today Adam. His excuse was... he didn't have one, sorry. (oops Brooke done it again - Turnbull)
No runs today all work inside the gym thanks to David Big Mouth Bird, it was a tough day. Must admit star of the day was his older brother Mark he was flying high, as was David.
Some say it was the toughest day yet, the weeks not finished yet.
DAY 2 Numbers up 3 from yesterday to 27 BUT...5 still missing. Well done Carl - two weeks ago McBlian underwent surgery for his shoulder the hard hitter was back at Boot Camp this morning. Well done Carl. By-the-way where is the gas man??No running again today Gary Fullerton give his expert opinion after doing a lap, " Too dangerous for sprints maybe okay for a couple of laps best leave it though and just harm everyone in the gym" You can all thank Mr Gary F for the non-stop pads today. Well done young David Bird star again today, and Andrew well done first time at Boot Camp you done well and partnered with Davy Foster another machine.double celebration today Neil Baxter 45 today and Adam TurnbUll hit a younger 35 years-young.
DAY 1 Monday the 22 Feb and it was an early and a cold start for the first day of No4 Boot Camp. Just started and there were 24 out of 32 turned up. First day and we're down eight prokickers, not a good start to the week, eh. No Runs of any kind today, too dangerous - the roads and footpaths that is - so all the trianing was in-doors this morning.Day 2 who will be on the missing list and who's the top trainer of the day,
King today was young David Bird he was moving at 100 miles-an-hour at every drill.
Day 2 - coming up :
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of turning in for a day at work to be greeted by your tired, ever-complaining colleagues knowing that you have already completed half a days work in the Prokick Gym!
We promise – by the end of a Boot Camp week you will feel invincible. You will wonder why others around you can be so gloom.
You are invited to join our students, up-and-coming fighters and veterans to hit the ground running – literally.
Legendary coach Billy Murray says: “There’s nothing quite like breaking sweat as dawn is breaking. You are one step ahead of everything and everyone for the rest of the day. By the end of the week, when you see the results, you will want more.”
Billy's Boot Camp starts this Monday 22nd-to-26th Feb 2010
You summer of life starts now and If you have signed up DONT be late - be late at your own risk.
For further details and to join Billy’s Boot Camp, contact ProKick on 028 9065 1074 or drop us an email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
This offer is only open to Prokick members only.
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