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Gary Hamilton on the Decks

Gary Hamilton refused his dance off and conceited giving Big Joe the voctory, he was decked : All images © Click here for full terms & conditions.
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Ever popular TV and radio personality Joe Lindsay marked the launch of the biggest ever kickboxing event in Ireland with a night of tunes on August 24.
The towering talent hosted the club night on August 24 at the Errigle Inn in Belfast. There was a disappointed turn out from gym members but that didn’t dampen the spirit of the members who did make a show.
i would honestly say with the rise in popularity in the complete prokick experience, ‘‘in my opinion’’ the next one should be even better with a very high turnout, as i think many do know that to support prokick thorugh all its events only keeps it in the spotlight and ensures a steady footfall of new excited and talented kids to come thoruigh the door..
Hopefully there will be a good turnout with the bash and mash, though my own attendance is yet to be decided, i want to go, but thats the start of my business season, ie: working 18 hours a day,I’ve 2 jobs ya know..but without the 2 jobs salary..grrrrr lol
but i hope to be there..
what about the rest of you guys?
By Mark1 on 27 Jan 2009