New Yellow Belter - Image

I'm not the first and I won't be the last dad to leave the world-famous Prokick Gym as proud as punch. I'd experienced a moment of pride when legendary coach and four-time world champion Billy Murray signed my first certificate upon attaining a yellow belt - the first grading belt in the wonderful art of kickboxing. But nothing can match the feeling a father gets when his offspring achieves. Writes Alex McGreevy a respected journalist.
The proud Dad Mr McGreevy continued to say -
Little Alex, after several months of spending his Saturday mornings on Wilgar Street, finally stood among his fellow students last weekend for the daunting test that rewards with a first step onto the martial art ladder of recognition.
I don't know why his mum and I were so anxious - he was cool, calm and collected - and supremely confident in the knowledge of the skills he had atoned via Mr Murray's second-to-none tutoring. After 45 minutes of punching, kicking, bobbing and weaving, Alex, 6, strode proudly out of the humble Prokick surrounds with certificate in hand and belt around his waist. By Monday morning he was repeatedly asking: "What belt is next? and "Can I go to more classes?" "I'll tell you what's next," I said, "I need to get more belts or you will be teaching me new tricks!"
Inspired by Alex Jnr, that's next on daddy's agenda. I've been a member of Prokick for seven years - ever since Mr Murray berated me into giving kickboxing a column in the Sunday People newspaper.
In return, he gave me the best kickbox coaching in the country - and introduced me to the close-knit Prokick community.
That's a community I am proud to be part of - and proud that my son is now a member of it. Next up is my daughter. As I already have, poor Mr Murray will meet his match in her.
Story written by Alex McGreevy
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